Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Dog Crate Training-Housebreaking Your Puppy

Crate training is a popular method to housebreak your puppy. The best dog cage to buy would be one that is just big enough to be a bed for your dog from Dogs do not like to soil in their beds then have to lay in it, so choosing the right crate size is very important. If the dog crate is just the right size they will learn hold it, they do not want to be forced to lay in their mess. This works very well and has a huge stock of many sizes, most puppies can hold their bladder and bowels a lot longer than we think. Puppies can often hold out for 7 to 8 hours. Although it is not recommend leaving your pups in dog crates unattended for long periods of time.

When you cannot watch your puppy you can place him in a dog cage, like when you are doing housework or even away from home. It is always a good idea to take him outside before placing your puppy in the dog crate. Take him back outside to the same spot you took him to before when removing him from his crate from Dog crates are are also great for sleeping. As he learns more try to leave him out for extended periods of time. Remember no food or water in the dog cage, put in a bed and a chew toy

This type of crate training has many advantages it also teaches the dog to hold it when the urge approaches. He will learn just because he feels the urge to relieve himself he does not have to. Dog crates from are very successful for training, most dogs who have had crate training have fewer mishaps later on.

Buy a dog crate just large enough for him to lie down in, if it is too large he will use one corner of it to do his business. This will cause him to track the mess all over his crate. He will want to keep doing this whenever he is placed inside. After fully trained you can get a dog cage big enough to last his lifetime. Use your crate from for traveling or sleeping in the house too. There are many uses for dog crates. This method of training works very well, be consistent with your puppy he will learn that going outside to do his business is his new way of life. It won't take that long with a crate from be very consistent and try these steps. Good Luck!

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