Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Using a Clicker Leash for Dog Training

A Clicker dog leash alters the way you think about training your dog! Get your hands on a training dog leash from kozydogs.com and help your dog be their best. Clicker dog leashes help you make the most of the good behavior while bad behavior quickly disappears. Whether you are raising your first puppy or rehabilitating an adult dog, the Clicker dog leash works much faster than conventional methods and easily moves from training class to real-world circumstances. A Clicker dog leash is one of the most comfortable leashes available in great colors from kozydogs.com. The ergonomic handle has a slip resistant grip. These are amazingly lightweight but extremely resilient. These Clicker dog leashes will be your favorite training leash.

A Clicker dog leash puts effective and humane training techniques at your fingertips. By combining a clicker with an ergonomic, lightweight leash handle, the Clicker dog leash makes reward-based training convenient and enjoyable while eliminating fumbling for a clicker. Whether you are training your puppy, working with an adult dog or competing in canine sports, clicker dog leashes from kozydogs.com put your clicker where you need it, when it counts. As long as you have your dog's leash, your favorite training tool is in your hand!

Using Doggie Treats for Rewards

When training your dog with dog treats try to remember not to over feed your dog with treats for dogs. Of course you will want to figure out which type of treat you pet really loves so your training will go much more smoothly. At kozydogs.com we have so many training pet treats to choose from your dog will love them.

Although dog training doesn't always have to include dog treats. There are other ways to reward your pup. All dogs love to get attention from you, so you can reward him with saying "Good Boy" and rubbing or petting him him. You will find this type of reward works just as well as giving him a dog treat each time he gets something right. Your dog may actually like this more than treats. You can always use both and change it up a bit too.

Another type of reward I particularly like is playing with my dog. My dog will do anything to play ball. So playing catch or some other type of game instead of giving our kozydogs.com training treats for dogs is very effective. Find what game you know your dog love to play and he will gladly give up the dog treats to play with you.

Treats from kozydogs.comas rewards are an effective training tool because the dog soon associates the command with something he really likes. Soon your dog will be so well trained at certain commands you can slowly take away the pet treats. Your pup will very quickly start to perform the command without treats. Dog are very smart and will love all these different types of training tips.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Great Facts About Doggie Doors

It is so wonderful to have a loving dog that you care so much about. It makes it hard when you are away from home, you either have to leave our dog inside or outside all day. Because you are away or at work it is impossible to let your dog in and out. Therefore purchasing and installing a dog door from kozydogs.comis the ideal situation. Installing a doggie door will give pet the freedom he needs.

Giving your dog freedom with a pet door can also help build his confidence and do away with unwanted behavior problems such as destructive chewing and excessive barking. Not to mention you having to let him in and out all hour of the night.

There is a problem with some dog doors, pet owners have complained about stray dogs, cats, and and other animals entering their home through these doors. Many people are even concerned about intruders coming into their homes through these openings. A great solution to this problem is to use a magnetic dog door or a locking dog door for selective entry. At kozydogs.com there are many pet doors to choose from. This will help with concerns one may have about using a pet door and still allows your pet to have needed access to the yard and the house. These doggie doors work a magnet that is attached to your dog's collar and will open the door when he is a certain distance from the door.

Now days they are some very attractive looking dog doors , so no more wondering about how the appearance of a pet door will look in the home. Many of the locking doors are much thicker and better looking than a traditional door with plastic flaps. Check out the beautiful efficient pet doors at kozydogs.com.

Pet Doors are great for teaching your dog not to have accidents in the home. Also with your pet being able to access the yard anytime they want to play outside it will keep them form tearing up thing in the house. Doggie doors are also ideal because your dog can go outside anytime he wants to play and get exercise whenever he wants.

All in all using a dog door has many benefits for you and your dog. Just think how much pressure it takes off of your life. You and your pet will be much happier with a good.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

What To Look For in An Extra Large Dog Bed

Dog owners with large dogs and extra large dogs require a bit of shopping around when purchasing an extra large dog bed. Although big dogs are super lovable and just as much a part of the family as a smaller dog. Of course large dog require large dog beds, and bigger dogs require extra large dog beds both of these can be found at kozydogs.com. But of course you wonder how big and is it going to be big enough.

The best way is to measure your when he is fully grown. Then examine how your dog sleeps. This will help to determine what style extra large dog bed you will need. Look to see if he sleeps curled up or in a stretched out position or maybe both. Round beds are great for curling up to sleep. Rectangular extra large dog beds are great for your dog to stretch completely out and still be on his bed.

Deciding where to keep your dog is another factor. Even though he is adorable and cuddly it will be practically impossible to share a bed with a huge dog. Once you have chosen the extra large dog bed from kozydogs.com you want to use, find him that perfect sleeping spot. Considering a huge dogs with extra large dog beds just can't sleep in small areas and spaces.

Big dogs have a natural instinct to protect, therefore they usually like to sleep near entrances to the house. If he is sleeping in the living room get him an extra large dog bed that fits nicely with your home decor like the ones at kozydogs.com. This way your big dog will think that this is his own personal piece of his own furniture. Thus keeping him off of your furniture.

You will want to be sure and look at large dog beds and extra large dog beds from kozydogs.com with absolute comfort as well. Something comfy yet durable for his size.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Advantages of Using Collapsible Dog kennels

Collapsible Dog kennels are are easily stored when not in use. Using portable dog kennel cages are great, because you can repeatedly put them up and take them down. Consider collapsible dog kennels from kozydogs.com as a smart investment, they can be easily moved around your yard or taken down to take with you. If you are going camping or some place else where you want to bring your dog along portable dog kennel cages will be perfect.

You will want to take into account your dog's individual needs and wants when choosing which types of collapsible dog kennels to buy. If your dog is strong and aggressive, you will want to invest in a more durable galvanized steel type of dog kennel from kozydogs.com. Keep in mind that you want to look at dog kennel cages for function not looks.

Collapsible Dog Kennels could eventually become your dog's permanent kennel. Keeping your pet in this type of kennel will allow him to become familiar and comfortable with it. It would even be a good idea to purchase a comfortable pad for your dog kennel cages along with a sun block top for shade.

Most local pet stores will have a selection of portable dog kennels, but the greatest variety will be found online at kozydogs.com. With adequate research you may find that online pet stores may even offer lower prices with free shipping like at kozydogs.com. Be sure to shop around for a good lasting dog kennel not the cheapest one, because cheap may not last.

When you do find find your perfect dog kennel cages you will find they are very nice to have, a nice quite little safe haven for your pet.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Many Pruposes Of Dog Crates And Kennels

Using dog crates and kennels are a very good way for any dog owner to contain his pet. They can be used for backyards, traveling, training, or in your home. Trying to decide what to buy can be quite a task with so many styles of dog kennels and crates to choose from. Be sure to shop at kozydogs.com when looking for the perfect one. First you will want to determine what purpose you need your dog kennel or crate for. The decide what style color what they are made of to help you decide what would be best for your special pet.

If you are using dog crates and kennels for outdoors be sure to get one with plenty of room for your dog to get his exercise. Kozydogs.com has a great Petsafe Kennel for outdoors in two sizes. If you are getting one for indoors be sure there is plenty of room for your dog to turn around in.

Using dog kennels and crates for training will make your training a whole lot easier. Many Dog owners use dog crates for housebreaking puppies. It is always best to start with a smaller crate so they won't have extra room to soil in their dog crate. As they grow and are completely housebroken you can get a bigger one. Many dog crates and kennels from kozydogs.com come with dividers to slowly make your crate or kennel bigger and bigger.

Dog kennels and crates made of plastic are very durable and are great for airline transportation. Most of these types of plastic crates are super easy to clean and last for such a long time. Yet theses dog crates and kennels are easily used for comfort with a dog crate bed inside.

Consider purchasing dog crates and kennels that are wire or chain link. You pet will love these because they allow him to see everything going on outside. These types can also be found at kozydogs.com. Many dog kennels come with added features to keep out the sun. They collapse from all sides and are easy to move and store. Many dog crates come with dog cage covers for different purposes, for instance to make it darker for you pet to sleep.

While traveling you may want to choose collapsible dog kennels and crates. These come in very handy for traveling and are still very comfortable. Usually soft sided dog crates and kennels are ideal for traveling. Be sure to check kozydogs.com for these types as well. They keep your dog cool and restricted from bouncing around in the car.

Whatever type of you choose be sure to consider the purpose you will need it for. We know your dog is very important to you and you only want the best dog kennels and crates for your special pet to be contained, comfy and secure.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Bark Control Collar For Many Reasons

There are many reasons a dog barks. First you must understand that it is a dogs natural instinct to bark after he is an animal. But yes some dogs do not know when to quit. For these dogs you will want to invest in a bark collar from kozydogs.com. First of all find out why your dog is barking so much.

Your dog uses its instincts mostly to their senses, and specifically scent and sound. A change in an usual sound and smell of its environment stirs up barking. This barking is accompanied by your dog's tail and ears straightened upward. Use a spray bark collar from kozydogs.com if your dog is staying outside all the time top help with to much barking in these particular situations. Especially at night a spray bark control collar with spray automatically when he barks so you don't have to use a remote. At kozydogs.com they have 3 different types of the spray bark collar.

Your dog may have some type of fear or phobia causing him to bark. Excessive barking can be a frustration. Perhaps if you played with your dog more outside you wouldn't find it necessary to have to use a bark collar.

Nuisance barking is also common in dogs that have their environment changed. You can use a bark control collar for awhile until he is more secure in his surroundings.

Since your dog sees you as his family he may have strong separation anxiety. For this type of situation a bark collar in many styles from kozydogs.com may be necessary. When your dog sees that you are going to leave he may start barking and not quit while you are gone

Dogs are a lot like people when they get sick. They tend to be cranky and bark a lot (especially the old ones) when they are in pain. It is best not to immediately start using one of kozydogs.com bark collars in this type of situation. It is much better to first of all get your dog's overall health checked out.

These are just some of the particular reasons your dog may be barking a lot. So investing in a anti bark collar would be a great idea to cease your dog's excessive barking. These bark collars from kozydogs.com work very well and very quickly.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Considering Using An Undergound Dog Fence?

Many times it is not possible to put up a physical fence for your dog, in these particular situations an invisible fence would work very well to keep your dog in his own yard. An underground fence consists of underground wires, that carry a current to your dogs collar receiver. Many dog fences and accessories can be found at kozydogs.com The dog collar will give the dog a slight electrical correction to the dog when he comes to close to the boundary of the fence. This type of system will stop the dog and deter him from going any further.

Invisible fences only work for a dog that is wearing the collar. Property owners with an underground fence must take into consideration that their dog can still be in danger to wild animals coming into the yard. Many owners sometimes overlook this, so it is a good idea to definitely put your dog somewhere else through the night. You certainly don't want your dog getting attached by a wild animals.

Also dog owners need to realize this type of dog fence used as containment requires persistence and vigilance to train your dog to this type of system. With the proper training followed with every dog fence from kozydogs.com your dog should be completely trained in 2 weeks or less.

You may also consider using a wireless dog fence, although these type can only reach so far with its signal. If you have an extremely large yard you will need something bigger like the underground fence for your dog. These types of dog fences come in lots of styles from stubborn dogs to large and small dogs. Whatever your situation kozydogs.com has the perfect dog fence for your needs.

The Advantages of Using Dog Exercise Pens

We all know how important exercise is. Dogs need plenty of exercise just like humans. An exercise pens is the perfect place for your do to get his exercise when you don't have a fenced yard or away from home. Dog pens fromkozydogs.com come in many styles for your pet, these can be very beneficial to your pet's health and well being.

When you are unable to walk your dog or get him exercise get a dog exercise penwith plenty of room. Consider the size of your pet when choosing exercise pens. He will need plenty of room in his pen for playing, training, socializing and activities with you as well. Kozydogs.com has a lot of these type of dog pens to help you and your dog to get the right one.

Using your dog pen from kozydogs.comfor training is a great idea. When you teach your dog new things using your pet pen is a great place to start. They learn to understand that their exercise pens is a place to learn and listen and cannot get distracted.

A dog exercise penis also a great way to let your dog be outside for awhile if he is normally kept in the house. This is great for him to get some sunshine and fresh air. Using dog pens from kozydogs.com are a great way to know they are safe and secure while outside for a little while. So be sure to get one of these pet pens for your special member of the family and you will find many uses for it.

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Many Uses Of Soft Sided Dog Crates

Dog crates are often referred to as pet crates or dog pens. Soft Sided dog crates are very useful used to transport your pet to the vet or just for traveling in the car. They are very lightweight and fold up nicely. Unlike a metal dog crate they are easily stored and are a great alternative to any wire dog crates. At kozydogs.com they have a few choices of these soft sided crates to choose from.

Soft dog crates have mesh along the sides and front allowing for plenty of ventilation. The doors of the dog crates are usually secured by a zipper. But if you have you been looking for a cost-effective soft dog crate, these are super lightweight and provide good visibility & great ventilation for your dog. These dog cages are available at kozydogs.com and are a very attractive and durable crates. They are also very easy to set up and fold up. This type of soft dog cage is excellent for travel - all you need to do is insert two poles and the dog crate is set up.

The soft sided crates are great, however if your pet likes to chew and claw, soft sided pet crates may not be what you are looking for. You might consider kozydogs.com wire dog crates or a plastic carrier which is much sturdier. A soft dog crate is very easy to keep clean, virtually indestructible, with water resistant fabric to have your dog crate last a long long time!

Using DogTek Bark Control Collars

Many of dog owners think about using a bark collar when their sweet little pooch does not learn to stop excessive barking no matter what they've tried. When it finally gets to that point it is time to consider the incredible bark collars by DogTek available at kozydogs.com. These are exceptional dog collars that are very effective.

There is the DogTek Bark training collar that provides a humane but effective solution to train dogs not to bark. It works by combining sound beeps with strong and weak static impulses on the dog bark collar. Kozydogs.com has this dog collar for a great price. Because excessive barking can be a problem a serious problem. This bark collar features,3 Adjustable Modes, Warning Beeps, Easy-to-adjust training collar, lightweight and weatherproof.

Another great collar is the The DOGTEK Pulse bark collar from kozydogs.com. When your dog barks, the no bark collar releases a warning beep followed by a harmless, yet effective, static correction. This rechargeable anti bark collar features 7 operating modes to suit all sizes, from the most sensitive dog to the large stubborn dog. It also features, an adjustable Bark Sensor, Warning Beeps, Easy-to-adjust dog collar, Rechargeable Battery, a lightweight bark collar that is waterproof.

The DogTek Sonic bark collar combines Ultrasound with Vibration to provide you with a safe, humane, and effective alternative to a shock collar . This bark control collar will train your dog to stop excessive and nuisance barking. This is a lightweight and compact no bark collar and is highly recommended for little dogs. This collar also from kozydogs.com features, 3 operating Modes, Ultrasound & Vibration, Adjustable Bark Sensor, Easy-to-adjust dog bark collar, and is water resistant.

As you can see all of these bark collarsfeatured at kozydogs.com are very effective collars at great prices. Therefore it is well worth it to invest in one of these bark collars if your dog's barking has gotten out of hand. DogTek is a very reliable training collar to use. So get one soon and have your own well-behaved pooch!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Many Useful Benefits for Dog Kennels and Crates

When dog owners are looking for dog kennels and crates , they will be looking for some type of cage for their dog. Most owners like to have dog kennel cages for outdoors to keep their pet safe while outside. These type of Dog kennels can be found at kozydogs.com. When an owner is looking for a crate for dogs they will most likely be looking for some type of indoor dog crate.

So, instead of dog crates and kennels, other terms are used. Technically they are all some sort of dog cage containment. Different terms are sometimes used to represent slightly different items. For instance dog kennels and crates come in many sizes, and are generally set up outdoors as a type of cage to keep your dog in either all the time or part of the time. At kozydogs.com they have a large assortment of dog crates and kennels for your unique situation. Some people will use a crate for dogs while inside or outside to keep their pet in a cage for a short time, such as when you have visitors or just a temporary safe haven. The dog kennel cages are often left open for your dog to retreat to when he needs a place to call his own.

Whether they are referred to as dog crates and kennels, they are also great for travel in a car or truck. A crate for dogs while used for travel is great, it keeps your dog from moving about the car and allows him to still see out. Kozydogs.com dog crates come in many different styles, from traditional wire crates, soft sided crates, folding crates, aluminum crates, and even beautiful wood dog crates that resemble a nice piece of furniture. There are many advantages for training a dog with dog kennel cages and is something I would highly recommend.

When searching for quality dog kennels and crates, just remember these are designed to be a home for dogs. Some place they will love to retreat to and be alone and not bothered. Kennels from kozydogs.com can be easily set up yourself in no time at all. They are made of galvanized steel and will last for a very long time. These dog kennel cages also come with additional features for added safety.

Regardless of the type of dog you have, or your particular situation, you may have need for dog crates and kennels at sometime or another. And though they are all technically some type of crate for dogs you will see they are all a necessary piece for equipment for you lovable dog.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Shock Training Collars For Small Dogs

Many people think shock training collars are dangerous, but they couldn't be further away from the truth. It is nothing more than us getting a shock from our carpet. A lot of small dog owners think about getting a shock collar for their small dog but are hesitant. They are very safe for small dogs too, check out kozydogs.com they have a shock collar for every size dog in brand names.

A dog training collar can be used to deter unwanted behavior such as digging, chewing on furniture, jumping on guests, or barking. There are many types of small dog shock training collars from kozydogs.com.

The PetSafe Deluxe Little Dog Trainer shock collar is the dog training solution for dogs under 40 pounds. Perfect for both dog training professionals and regular dog owners, the deluxe little dog training collar is simple and effective.

The PetSafe Deluxe Small Dog shock collar is also a simple, cost effective way to train your small dog. These Small Dog shock training collars also from kozydogs.com are perfect for dogs weighing 5 lbs. or more and utilizes the newest in Nano technology. This is the smallest shock collar available on the market today.

And finally wherever you go, your little pet will be by your side. Train your pet to stay by your side without a leash with the PetSafe Venture Series Little Dog shock collar Remote Trainer. These shock training collars also from kozydogs.com make training your pet to stay by your side a breeze. At the push of a button, your remote sends a signal activating your dog's receiver on the dog training collar. He receives a safe but annoying stimulation on the shock collar. He'll quickly learn the association between his behavior and your correction; in no time, you'll have a better-behaved pet.

So as you can see there is quite a variety of small dog shock training collars on the market. So go ahead and train your little one one with a shock collar, they perfectly harmless and a very effective dog training collar. Be sure to check out all the collars from kozydogs.com for big and little dogs for that perfect one for that perfect dog.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Large Dog Crates For Large Dogs!

Shopping for large dog crates or extra large dog crates can be quite exhausting. These large dog crates for big dogs are hard to find, especially the extra large dog crates. One great place to find a lot of them is at kozydogs.com is many styles and colors. dog crates are a very important pet supply to own. The come in handy when you are away at work or if you go out running errands. When buying large dog crates keep in mind you want to make sure you have plenty of room for your big dog, you might what to consider extra large dog crates for extra room.

When shopping online at kozydogs.com you are sure find the right crate. Large dog crates and extra large dog crates come in many styles such as wire, soft and plastic.

Large dog crates are usually plenty big enough for any large size dog. Extra large dog crates are perfect for extra large dogs, such as Great Danes, Afghans, Bull Mastiffs and many other extra big dogs.

When considering using dog crates you might want to put the dog crate> in a social area of the house. Whichever room in your house that has people in and out of all the time would be the perfect room. For your large dog crates and extra large dog crates remember to look at kozydogs.com because they have many dog crates to big dogs with plenty of proper ventilation.

Keep in mind that one of the reasons people use large dog crates or extra large dog crates is to give their big dogs somewhere peaceful to retreat to when they are tired.

Remember to choose crates large enough so that your dog can stand up and turn around. If you plan to use the same dog crate for the life of your pet, remember to judge how large it should be by the time your pet is fully grown. Dogs that are going to be large need large dog crates and your great big dogs definitely need extra large dog crates from kozydogs.com.

Wire Dog Crates Can Be The Perfect Choice

Today there are so many choices out there when it comes to buying a new dog crate for your pet. Many people look at choosing some type of wire dog crates for their pets. This can also be quite a task because their are many styles of metal dog crates to choose from. At kozydogs.com they have a huge supply of dog crates including wire dog crates in many sizes and colors.

Wire dog crates are the dog crate of choice today. These metal dog crates are so popular because they are so practical for everything. The dog crates from kozydogs.com offer plenty of ventilation, which is very important for a dog to have. They are also easy to clean, most wire dog crates have a sliding rack and pan underneath that is easily removed for easy cleaning. Metal dog crates can also be foldable and taken apart for transport. A great advantage of owning wire dog crates is that they permit your dog to some type of scenery so he can view what is going on outside.

Many nice comfortable dog crate beds sets are available from kozydogs.com to put inside wire dog crates. They come in many sizes and colors for whatever metal dog crates you may have. They provide soft comfort as well as padding for the sides of the crate as well.

In general wire dog crates are very easy to set up and transport, making them practical for everyday use. Pet owners love metal dog crates because it also allows the owner to be able to view what his dog is doing at all times. These type of dog crates at kozydogs.com are wonderful for puppy dog crate training. Be sure to get wire dog crates that come with dividers so your puppy won't feel so small in a big place. These metal dog crates come with dividers can be moved as your puppy grows bigger and bigger.

So be sure to shop around before choosing any metal dog crates,because there are several thing to consider when purchasing. Kozydogs.com has so many wire dog crates to choose from you are most likely to find the perfect one right here!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Shock Collars For Quick Training

A shock collar is a great way to train your dog quickly and effectively. With good shock training collars your dog is forced into better behavior quickly. They also prevent them from getting side tracked for very long which could delay your dog training.

A shock collar may seem kinda cruel to some people. But this type of dog training collar doesn't actually shock your dog. The shock from shock training collars is more like a stimulation correction, it is equal to a shock you would get from your own carpet. There is no temporary or permanent harm to your dog. A shock collar from kozydogs.com is one of the most effective methods of using shock training collars available today.

When starting your dog training set the stimulation level of shock training collars to the lowest level. There is no sense in putting your shock collar on its highest setting when it is not necessary. The shock training collars at kozydogs.com are available with several stimulation levels. Your dog will sense the stimulation on a low setting although it may not be quite enough for some dogs.

A shock collar is widely used for behavioral training a very common technique. Shock training collars are used for a variety of reason, like getting into the trash, chewing things up, barking and so on. Starting out low and administering the stimulation at a level your dog responds to and stops his bad behavior. The shock training collars at kozydogs.com, come with very precise instructions for dog training. Being consistent in using your shock collar, will have your dog trained in no time at all. Be sure when using shock training collars your dog does not associate the shock with you.

Using a shock collar for dog training is very effective. This method is completely humane and gets your dog trained very quickly. Using the shock training collars will teach your dog right from wrong, giving you a great well behaved pet you can be proud of.