Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Using Doggie Treats for Rewards

When training your dog with dog treats try to remember not to over feed your dog with treats for dogs. Of course you will want to figure out which type of treat you pet really loves so your training will go much more smoothly. At kozydogs.com we have so many training pet treats to choose from your dog will love them.

Although dog training doesn't always have to include dog treats. There are other ways to reward your pup. All dogs love to get attention from you, so you can reward him with saying "Good Boy" and rubbing or petting him him. You will find this type of reward works just as well as giving him a dog treat each time he gets something right. Your dog may actually like this more than treats. You can always use both and change it up a bit too.

Another type of reward I particularly like is playing with my dog. My dog will do anything to play ball. So playing catch or some other type of game instead of giving our kozydogs.com training treats for dogs is very effective. Find what game you know your dog love to play and he will gladly give up the dog treats to play with you.

Treats from kozydogs.comas rewards are an effective training tool because the dog soon associates the command with something he really likes. Soon your dog will be so well trained at certain commands you can slowly take away the pet treats. Your pup will very quickly start to perform the command without treats. Dog are very smart and will love all these different types of training tips.

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