Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Washable Pet Bed Is Always Clean

We all know how dirty and smelly our pets dog bed can get. Your dog eats plays and sleeps on his bed, so it can get quite dirty. You don't want your dog to always smell like his bed.

When you spend a lot of money on a good dog bed you want it to always look and smell nice. So instead of always spraying it with a fragrance why not purchase a washable dog bed!

Of course you want you dog to have a nice clean bed to sleep on just like you do.
At kozydogs.com they have a large supply of these washable pet beds in many styles and colors, and they are very expensive either.

The vast majority of dog beds are not only washable, but they can be machine washed. Which makes every thing a whole lot easier. You will find a washable pet bed in features zippered covers which can easily be unzipped and taken off. Then you can just toss in the washer and your done, a nice clean dog bed whenever you want it. There are many sizes, shapes and designs to choose from at kozydogs.com you will surely find the perfect washable pet bed for your lovable pooch!

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