Tuesday, July 13, 2010

It's Time to Go In Your Dog Crate

The first thing you need to do is show your dog that the dog crate is his little "safe haven". Many dogs need a place of their own to lay down when they need to. You can teach your dog to go into his dog crate on command. There will be many times when that is needed, like when you have company over.

Purchase some good treats for training your dog to go into his dog cage. I would suggest you to break them into very small pieces because you'll be using a few and to many treats can be fattening. At kozydogs.com you can get him a soft dog crate bed to put inside which would be more inviting to your dog.

Walk your dog to the crate and have him sit. With one of the treats in your hand, tell him to "get in your crate!" Then toss the treat in the dog crate and pull his leash forward in the direction of his crate. You will see that when he walks into the crate, his leash will automatically release the tension you have on it. Dog Crates from kozydogs.com have either front door or side door entrance.

Close the door and tell him "Good Dog", while he is eating his treat. Then open the door of the dog crate and let him out again. After he is entirely out of the crate make sure you praise him again. Repeat this entire exercise several times.Then remove his leash, open the crate door and tell him to get in his dog crate again and toss the treat in there, close the crate door and praise him again. All crates from kozydogs.com will be easy to use for this type of training.

After this has been done few times and you start to see that your dog is expecting to hear your command, then curtail the treats. You want your dog to eventually go in his crate on your command without a treat.

Since you have been doing this exercise with him for quite a while, he may try to run into his dog crate from kozydogs.com without your command after his leash is no long being used. If he does this you MUST tell him "No!" Remove him from the dog crate without praise and start the exercise over again. Remember, you want your dog to learn this trick so he will go into his dog crate on your command.

You may have a dog that gets motivated by using a toy instead of treats for his dog crate training from kozydogs.com and that will work just as well. Either way have patience and use a lot of praise.

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