Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Why Use Dog Crates

Dog owners using dog crates is on the rise. It seems like gradually more dog owners are getting dog crates for their dogs. Check out kozydogs.com for a huge selection of many styles sizes and shapes for your dog.

It is not cruel to use dog crates for your lovable pet. There are many different types of dog crates to use for your dog depending on what you may want it for. At kozydogs.com you can certainly find the perfect one for your needs.

All dog cages are the dogs den of this modern age. Dogs feel safe and secure in their own sort of doggy den.

The majority of dog crates from kozydogs.com are fine for sleeping. It isn't good for keeping the dog in all day just because you want it confined. It isn't fine for use as a discipline tool, but it is alright if used properly for dog discipline. If you use one of the many quality dog crates from kozydogs.com sparingly for discipline. Use dog crates to place your dog in it only when it's clear to him why he's been placed inside. That way it's clear to him the punishment is administered immediately when you catch the dog in the act of misbehaving and he can associate the punishment with his misbehavior. If he did something bad an hour ago don't use dog crates to lock him up, he won't understand why.

Remember think about what you want to use the dog crate for, then shop at kozydogs.com for the perfect one, consider size and shape when choosing.

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